Price And Payment

Biohazard Cleanup that fit’s any financial situation!

The most common question we get asked is, how much is this going to cost? Unfortunately, our services do not allow us to guess, because of this our estimators typically will not quote a project sight unseen. We do provide no-cost consultations which are highly recommended, however, we can provide a “ballpark estimate” if you have photos of the area.

Crime scene cleanup services can be expensive, and the cost can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the size of the affected area. However, Affinity Bio Solutions Group has listed some options to explore to may fit your financial situation:

Homeowners Insurance Coverage for Death Cleanup in Texas

Insurance coverage:  

Most homeowners and some renter’s insurance policies may cover the cost of crime scene cleanup services. Contact your insurance provider’s claims department to see if your policy provides coverage for crime scene cleanup services. It is important to contact your insurance provider’s claims department directly and not your agent as they provide separate roles for the insurance carrier.

Victim compensation programs

In some cases, crime victims may be eligible for financial assistance through crime victim compensation programs. These programs may cover the cost of crime scene cleanup services as well as other related expenses. If you are in Texas and would like more information regarding crime victim compensation programs follow this link

Texas Crime Victims Compensation Fund

Victim compensation programs

In some cases, crime victims may be eligible for financial assistance through crime victim compensation programs. These programs may cover the cost of crime scene cleanup services as well as other related expenses. If you are in Texas and would like more information regarding crime victim compensation programs follow this link

Texas Crime Victims Compensation Fund

Crime Scene Cleanup Financing Options


Affinity Bio Solutions Group has partnered with a financial service provider to assist you with low monthly payments. Similar to a personal loan, our lender works to find you the best rates based on your financial situation and credit. If this is something you are interested in make sure you ask our technicians during your free consultation.

It’s important to note that the availability and terms of these financing options can vary depending on your location and circumstances. Be sure to do your research and speak with Affinity Bio Solutions Group for additional resources if necessary.